Please provide your input on the proposed traffic calming measures design plans intended to enhance pedestrian/cyclist safety within the school zone limits listed below. Comments received will be reviewed for consideration during the detailed design process and summarized in a What We Heard Report for future reference. Please submit your comments by February 28, 2025.
Thank you for your participation.
Personal information, as defined by the municipal freedom of information and protection of privacy Act (MFIPPA) is collected under the authority of Municipal Act, 2001, and in accordance with the provision of MFIPPA. Personal information on this comment sheet will be used for the purpose of gathering input on the Traffic Calming in School Zones on Major Collector and Minor Arterial Roadways Project
Questions about the collection should be addressed to:
Town of Oakville
Jonathan Tshisekedi, C.E.T., rcji, PMPProject Leader - Capital Projects Transportation and Engineering 905-845-6601, ext. 2139